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Using Large Multi-Instance

ยท 6 min read
Christopher Kujawa

New day new chaos. ๐Ÿ’€ In today's chaos day I want to pick up a topic, which had bothered people for long time. I created a chaos day three years ago around this topic as well.

Today, we experiment with large multi-instances again. In the recent patch release 8.2.5 we fixed an issue with spawning larger multi instances. Previously if you have created a process instance with a large multi-instance it was likely that this caused to blacklist the process instance, since the multi-instance spawning ran into maxMessageSize limitations.

This means the process instance was stuck and was no longer executable. In Operate this was not shown and caused a lot of friction or confusion to users. With the recent fix, Zeebe should chunk even large collections into smaller batches to spawn/execute the multi-instance without any issues.

TL;DR; We were able to see that even large multi-instances can be executed now. โœ… At some point, we experienced performance regressions (during creating new multi-instance elements) but the execution of the process instance doesn't fail anymore. One problem at a time, we will likely investigate further to improve the performance of such a use case.

When we reached the maxMessageSize we got a rejection, if the input collection is too large we see some weird unexpected errors from NGINX.

Chaos Experimentโ€‹

We do regularly game days in Camunda, and for such we also create projects to make incidents, etc. reproducible. In today's chaos day, I will reuse some code created by Philipp Ossler, thanks for that :bow: Since we mimic in such game days customers, the process is a bit more complex than necessary for such chaos day, but I will keep it like that.


The input collection items, which is used in the multi-instance is generated via:

    // input size
final var items = IntStream.range(0, size).mapToObj(i -> Map.ofEntries(
entry("id", i)

In the following experiment, we will play around with the size value.

For the experiment, we will use a Camunda 8 SaaS cluster with the generation Zeebe 8.2.5 (G3-S).


When creating a process instance with a large collection, we expect based on the recent bug fix that the multi-instance creation is batched and created without issues.

One limiting factor might be the maxMessageSize with regard to the input collection, but in this case, I would expect that the creation of the process instance is already rejected before.


Between the following experiments, I always recreated the clusters, to reduce the blast radius and better understand and isolate the impact.

Starting small (20k)โ€‹

In previous versions, the multi-instance creation failed already quite early. For example in the game day reproducer project, we had a collection defined with 20.000 items, which we are now reusing for the start.

The creation of the process instance worked without any issues. We can observe in Operate the incremental creation of sub-process instances, which is great.


We can see in the metrics that batch processing is limited by only 2-4 commands in a batch. That is an interesting fact that might explain why it takes a while until all instances of the multi-instance sub-process are created. We can even see rollbacks during batch processing, visible in the "Number of batch processing retries" panel.


The processing queue seems to increase dramatically.

After a while, we can see that all 20k instances are created without any bigger issues. ๐Ÿš€


It took around 10 minutes. Taking a look at the metrics again we see that in between big command batches have been created/processed, which allowed us to reduce the processing queue.


In between the backpressure was quite high, but after the creation of all instances, the cluster is in a healthy state again. The creation of such multi-instance worked โœ…


Increase collection (200k)โ€‹

Again, the creation of such a process instance was not a problem itself. We can observe the creation of the sub-process instances (multi-instance) in Operate, which happens incrementally.


It takes ages until the instances are created (After 3h ~66k instances are created). Again we see here small chunks of batches, and there are also rollbacks during batch processing.


The processing of that partitions is in this case blocked by the multi-instance creation, we can see that on the 100% back pressure. โŒ


Even after one hour, not all instances are created (not even 20k), it takes longer than before the creation of 20.000 instances.


Make it really big (2 million)โ€‹

To escalate this even more I increase the input collection again by a factor of 10 to 2 million.

After creation, I see as a response the following log message in my log:

Failed to create process instance of 'order-process'

io.camunda.zeebe.client.api.command.ClientStatusException: HTTP status code 502
invalid content-type: text/html
headers: Metadata(:status=502,date=Fri, 02 Jun 2023 11:44:57 GMT,content-type=text/html,strict-transport-security=max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains,content-length=150)
<head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>
<center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center>

at io.camunda.zeebe.client.impl.ZeebeClientFutureImpl.transformExecutionException( ~[zeebe-client-java-8.0.5.jar:8.0.5]
at io.camunda.zeebe.client.impl.ZeebeClientFutureImpl.join( ~[zeebe-client-java-8.0.5.jar:8.0.5]
at ~[classes/:na]
at ~[classes/:na]
at ~[classes/:na]
at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.callRunner( ~[spring-boot-2.5.2.jar:2.5.2]
at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.callRunners( ~[spring-boot-2.5.2.jar:2.5.2]
at ~[spring-boot-2.5.2.jar:2.5.2]
at ~[spring-boot-2.5.2.jar:2.5.2]
at ~[spring-boot-2.5.2.jar:2.5.2]
at ~[classes/:na]
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: UNAVAILABLE: HTTP status code 502
invalid content-type: text/html
headers: Metadata(:status=502,date=Fri, 02 Jun 2023 11:44:57 GMT,content-type=text/html,strict-transport-security=max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains,content-length=150)
<head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>
<center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center>

at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.reportGet( ~[na:na]
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.get( ~[na:na]
at io.camunda.zeebe.client.impl.ZeebeClientFutureImpl.join( ~[zeebe-client-java-8.0.5.jar:8.0.5]
... 9 common frames omitted

I tried to incrementally decrease the input collection until it is working again, when reaching 250k I finally see a better understandable error.

2023-06-02 13:53:51.485 ERROR 29870 --- [           main]     : Failed to create process instance of 'order-process'

io.camunda.zeebe.client.api.command.ClientStatusException: Command 'CREATE' rejected with code 'EXCEEDED_BATCH_RECORD_SIZE':
at io.camunda.zeebe.client.impl.ZeebeClientFutureImpl.transformExecutionException( ~[zeebe-client-java-8.0.5.jar:8.0.5]
at io.camunda.zeebe.client.impl.ZeebeClientFutureImpl.join( ~[zeebe-client-java-8.0.5.jar:8.0.5]
at ~[classes/:na]
at ~[classes/:na]
at ~[classes/:na]
at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.callRunner( ~[spring-boot-2.5.2.jar:2.5.2]
at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.callRunners( ~[spring-boot-2.5.2.jar:2.5.2]
at ~[spring-boot-2.5.2.jar:2.5.2]
at ~[spring-boot-2.5.2.jar:2.5.2]
at ~[spring-boot-2.5.2.jar:2.5.2]
at ~[classes/:na]
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: UNKNOWN: Command 'CREATE' rejected with code 'EXCEEDED_BATCH_RECORD_SIZE':
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.reportGet( ~[na:na]
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.get( ~[na:na]
at io.camunda.zeebe.client.impl.ZeebeClientFutureImpl.join( ~[zeebe-client-java-8.0.5.jar:8.0.5]
... 9 common frames omitted
Caused by: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: UNKNOWN: Command 'CREATE' rejected with code 'EXCEEDED_BATCH_RECORD_SIZE':
at io.grpc.Status.asRuntimeException( ~[grpc-api-1.45.1.jar:1.45.1]
at io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls$StreamObserverToCallListenerAdapter.onClose( ~[grpc-stub-1.45.1.jar:1.45.1]
at io.grpc.internal.ClientCallImpl.closeObserver( ~[grpc-core-1.45.1.jar:1.45.1]
at io.grpc.internal.ClientCallImpl.access$300( ~[grpc-core-1.45.1.jar:1.45.1]
at io.grpc.internal.ClientCallImpl$ClientStreamListenerImpl$1StreamClosed.runInternal( ~[grpc-core-1.45.1.jar:1.45.1]
at io.grpc.internal.ClientCallImpl$ClientStreamListenerImpl$1StreamClosed.runInContext( ~[grpc-core-1.45.1.jar:1.45.1]
at ~[grpc-core-1.45.1.jar:1.45.1]
at ~[grpc-core-1.45.1.jar:1.45.1]
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( ~[na:na]
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ ~[na:na]
at java.base/ ~[na:na]

2023-06-02 13:53:51.485 INFO 29870 --- [ main] : Created process instances with large collection. [order-id: 'ba65b59b-1584-48bb-af05-3724ea15fac9']


As we have seen above we are able now to create much larger multi instances than before, with some drawbacks in performance, which needs to be investigated further.

When reaching a certain limit (maxMessageSize) we get a described rejection by the broker, until we reach the limit of NGINX where the description is not that optimal. Here we can and should improve further.

Found Bugsโ€‹